an accurate video of what goes down.
an accurate video of what goes down.
omg poor guy, cute video though.
damn it horace..u had one job.
jesus christ..when he peeled his finger back like a foreskin..still think this is fuckin weird and fantastic at the same time..u ok salady fingers. gr8mman.
I rarely give 5 stars but this was fucking great
Beautifully done.
SCREAMS omfg, I think I may have commented on this back when I was one of these "awful fans" of pewdiepie. But I never did half of this shit in the video, I liked this video because it's so true. and also Icant bring myself to watch any of his videos anymore.
Alright this was great
I thought maybe this would be good, but I didn't laugh and Pewdiepie really annoys me but for different reasons I guess. The graphics look really nice though, but I just didn't laugh. /shrugs I just mostly find him annoying when he plays games because he is such an idiot and im just like die. But I don't understand how others found this funny while I just sat at my computer screen, arms crossed and eh.
Oh my god..why did I jump it was the noise..I jumped and I was like oh..kawaii shit
Hi, just really here to play games. :)
Joined on 7/25/09